Home Watch of North Georgia uses a sophisticated tamper proof GPS-enabled reporting software to keep you up-to-date and informed as we take care of your property!
Confirmation That We Were There!
As a valued Home Watch of North Georgia client, no matter how far away you are from your home in North Georgia , you will be kept up-to-date as we inspect your property. The GPS enabled software that we use will let you know the exact date and time of our arrival at your property, as well as the status of our findings based on a custom checklist that we have established together.
Get Instant Reports
You can rest assured that every report will be delivered to you in a timely manner. In the event that we find any issues with your property that require immediate attention, we will send you a detailed report including photos as needed so that we can work with you to determine the best course of action to correct the problem within minutes of its discovery. You are able to access these reports anywhere in the world any time, day or night!
Customized Home Watch Checklist
The flexibility of our GPS-enabled, internet-based reporting technology means that we can create customized checklists for your property. We can create this checklist together when we first begin watching your home, and we can always make adjustments after the fact as needed. This personalized checklist ensures that we will do every thing we’ve agreed to do each and every time we come to your home.